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Updated 06. April 2022 in

Add content blocks to your steps in ShiftX

Are W. Sandvik
Product Manager, ShiftX
The text "Content blocks in ShiftX" written over a green transparent background, and a screenshot from the content blocks panel in ShiftX
We've now made it even easier for you to document your processes in-depth, introducing content blocks to ShiftX.

ShiftX is the place to document and iterate on your business processes, making it the perfect place for working with continuous improvement throughout your organization.

To make it even easier to put in (and have your colleagues comment and iterate on) your thoughts and existing documentation, we're now introducing content blocks to ShiftX.

We're replacing additional information, where you could put notes on each of your steps in your process, with structured content blocks, making it easier and more accessible both to read and create documentation inside ShiftX.

Introducing content blocks

We are now introducing three different kinds of content blocks. Each block is given a title and has some additional fields depending on the block type.

Screenshot of three content blocks in a ShiftX flow

You can add as many blocks as you want, and move the blocks up and down in order after creation. These are the three types of content blocks we've enabled:

🗒️ Notes

This block is similar to today's additional information. In this block, you can write and format text, and add links. What's also new, though, is that you can create more, separate blocks, and move them up and down in the side panel.

Screenshot of a note content block in ShiftX

🔗 Links

Ever just wanted to create an easily accessible link to something outside of ShiftX? With content blocks, you can now create a simple link block that will be directly accessible in the block panel to your right.

Screenshot of the link block in ShiftX

🖼️ Image

The same goes for images. If you have relevant images for a step in your flow, create an image block, and upload it there. Maybe you have a relevant screenshot, poster, or some instructions?

Screenshot of an image content block in ShiftX

What happens to existing additional information-content?

We know, sometimes new features mess up what you've already created. But don't worry, this release won't. At least not the documentation you've already put in what we used to call additional information in our ShiftX flows.

Documentation from the old additional information blocks will be migrated into the new notes content block.

If you experience any bugs or other unwanted issues, please don't hesitate to get in touch!